Writing Nonfiction with Fiction Techniques (Part 6)

Paint a Scene

Often it is important to paint a scene when writing a story within your nonfiction piece. Where are you? Can we picture the location? Do the readers feel that they are actually there? Use all of your senses so the readers can live the experience with you. If you are painting a beach scene, hear the thunder of the waves crashing on the shore. Taste the salt from the spray. Smell the clean, crisp air. Feel the soft breeze brushing across your face.

This excerpt is from a story in my book, Rest Stops for Single Moms.

A Beacon of Light

Shivering, I zipped my blue windbreaker tightly around my neck. The damp air chilled me as I stood watching the fog roll in. I walked faster along the shore, hoping an increased heart rate would mean greater warmth to my body. Darkness was quickly settling in, but I felt determined to take my nightly walk. This was my quiet time.

The clouds overhead blocked the moon, so I carefully picked my way across the rocky portion of the beach to the sandy stretch. In the distance, I saw the beacon from the lighthouse on the point. I used its flashing light to guide me.