Just Write!
An Essential Guide to Launching Your Writing Career
Susan Titus Osborn
There is nothing more valuable to a writer at the beginning of his or her career than a personal coach. In this book, Susan Titus Osborn takes that role and guides the reader through all the important aspects of the writing profession. How to do research, common grammatical pitfalls, writing for children, secrets of effective interviewing, and short stories are only a few of the topics covered. Perfect for the beginner and ideal as a refresher for the professional, Just Write! is a tremendous addition to any writer’s library.
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How to Submit a Book Proposal
Most publishing houses want to receive a book proposal or a query letter rather than an entire manuscript. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to present a professional looking book proposal to a publishing house.
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A Sample Book Proposal
The first impression an editor has of you, the writer, is the manuscript you submit. This eight-page packet contains a sample book proposal for the book, Wounded by Words, published by New Hope Publishers.
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How to Write a Picture Book
Writing for young children can be exciting and rewarding. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to present a professional looking picture book proposal to a publishing house.
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How to Submit an Article or Story
Magazine articles can reach from 20,000 to 5 million people and touch many lives. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to present a professional looking manuscript for an article or story to a publishing house.
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How to Write the Personal Experience Article
You can use your own personal experiences to create salable articles or interview other people and share their stories. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to present a professional looking manuscript for a personal experience article to a publishing house.
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How to Write Daily Devotionals
The best devotional takes five minutes to read and is remembered for a lifetime. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to present a professional looking devotional to a publishing house.
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How to Write the Sure-sell Article
Magazine articles can reach thousands, even millions, of people. This eight-page packet contains all you need to know to create a sure-sell manuscript for various types of magazine articles.
by Mail $5.00