Writing Devotionals (Part 9)

Writing devotionals is a good exercise in fine-tuning your writing. You have only 250 words to focus one idea. In this small amount of space, you need to make your piece real, establish reader identification, and offer a tentative application of how the reader might act on your point in his or her life.

The devotional market is wide-open and reaches many people. This is an excellent way to get started as well as a fun outlet for the established author. A publishing house may not want to take a chance on a first-time author with a book because the risk involves thousands of dollars. Yet, many of the daily devotional markets use first-time writers.

In writing devotionals, you are only limited by your imagination. Observe what is happening around you at all times, and you will find plenty of material to write about. Personally, writing devotionals is my favorite genre. Perhaps it can become yours, too.

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