Why Are You Writing?

Is it to share your story with others? Are you seeking personal growth? Is it a ministry? Is it to make money? Making a living as a freelance writer is extremely difficult. Hopefully, your main purpose for writing is providing a ministry. Personally, I want to change lives and to share something with others that will benefit them.



Thirty years ago when I began writing, I made a commitment to God and to myself that I would write an hour every day. I started writing Sunday school take-home papers. Now I have published 30 books.


Decide what time commitment you are willing to make. Be aware that you can't wait until everything else is taken care of to start writing. Writing must become a priority, and it is demanding. Other things may have to be sacrificed. You must give up something you are doing now in order to gain the hours you plan to devote to writing.


The important thing is to set aside a certain amount of time to perfect your craft. You can either designate large blocks of time if you have them, or you can write for a few minutes a day. However, you must be committed to whatever time you set aside, and it must be quality time. Also, you need to find a quiet place, free from interruption. It helps if you can write at the same time every day, too.


Always pray for God's guidance before you start writing. We must listen to God and submit to His will before we can start writing for Him effectively.

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