Twenty Interview Tips

Here are 20 tips that will help you the next time you interview someone for an article or a book.

1. Find a subject and research it thoroughly.

2. Make an appointment with an expert in that field.

3. Try to allow 90 minutes or two hours for the interview.

4. Be on time and dress appropriately.

5. Smile. Chat informally to establish common ground.

6. Use a tape recorder to insure accuracy.

7. Assure the person that the tape is confidential.

8. Eye to eye contact is vital.

9. Prepare a set of questions in advance.

10. Be willing to deviate from the questions.

11. Avoid questions with yes or no answers.

12. Try to visit the setting of the article.

13. Keep the person in line with your focus.

14. Obtain detailed descriptions and scenes.

15. Diligently search for the hook.

16. Watch for favorite words and mannerisms.

17. Be sensitive, empathetic, and non-judgmental.

18. Keep your questions simple, asking one at a time.

19. Be an exceptional listener.

20. Ask for a follow-up phone call if needed.

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