Keeping Your Credibility through Research (Part 4)

Secondary Research depends on the printed research found in books, magazines, newspapers, libraries, museums, and on the Internet. A word of caution: Errors can creep in when you depend on others to do your research for you—particularly when you quote someone who is quoting someone else from another source. And this is especially true if you use the Internet. This will be discussed in detail in a later post.

Have you ever sat in a circle and played the game in which you whisper a sentence to the person on your right; then that person whispers what you said (or what he or she thinks you said) to the person on his right, and so on? When the message gets back to the person on your left, and he or she whispers it to you, your message may have totally changed. You probably don’t even recognize it as your original message. Just because something is in print doesn’t mean it is accurate!

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