Devotionals are normally comprised of three components, although you should check the guidelines for whatever market you wish to submit to because they do vary.
1. Bible Verse: The first component is a Bible verse around which the devotional is created. Be careful not to tack one on at the end. And don’t write the devotional and then try to find a verse to submit with it. Instead, start with your Bible verse. Creating the devotional with a scriptural base will add depth to it.
2. Personal Experience: The second component is a personal experience. It can be yours or another person’s. Devotionals can be written in either first or third person. The important thing is to have a good anecdotal experience. This is the heart of the devotional. Then bring in a spiritual application that ties the personal experience to the Bible verse.
3. Prayer: The third component is a prayer at the end of the devotional, which is usually short, compact, and the crux of what you are saying.