Writing the Short Story (Part 4)

It may help to think through your story in scenes. (See previous blog for more information on scenes.) Each scene must move the story forward. If an event is unnecessary, leave it out. Even in a book, your writing must be tight.

Scenes include five things:
1. Setting
2. Antagonists
3. Action
4. Somebody wins
5. Resolution

Build suspense as you go along. Keep the reader guessing. Before a conflict is solved, put a barrier in your main character’s path. Don’t give the story away. Once you get into novel writing, you can confront the main character with conflict upon conflict, but in short stories stick to one conflict. Keep the reader hanging on a cliff. In novels, try to end each chapter on a cliffhanger. If you don’t, the reader might put your book down and never pick it up again. Don’t you have half-read books on your shelf?

Stories need to be filled with action. Stay out of your character’s mind, and keep the story focused on his activities. Once in a while, you can tell us what he thinks, but not all the time. Make your reader identify with the main character and the problems he or she is experiencing.

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